When the New dialogue box appears, simply click the OK button, do not change any of the settings. Now, open Adobe Photoshop if it is not already open and create a new document, File New… from the pull-down menu or Ctrl+N from the keyboard.
If you are using an older version of Windows or if the Print Screen notification has been turned off, you will be given no indication that anything has happened at all. If you are using a recent version of Windows and the option is turned on, you will see a small message box telling you that the print screen operation has worked. On a standard keyboard, this button is always located to the right of the F12 key. Then press the Print Screen button on the keyboard. To do this, all you need to do is make sure that your AutoCAD drawing is displayed on the screen as you would want to see it in Photoshop. This image can then be pasted into a new document in Photoshop. The Windows operating system allows you to take a "screen grab" (essentially, a snapshot of what you see on your monitor) and save that as an image to the clip board. The quickest and simplest way to move from AutoCAD to Photoshop is to use the Windows clip board. Top of page Quick and Simple (Print Screen) The term "High Resolution" is used here to describe images with pixel dimensions larger than the display on your computer monitor and "Low Resolution" describes images with pixel dimensions smaller than the display on your monitor. Use the Render to File method and see the Using Channel Information tip. You need high resolution rendered images or rendered images with additional channel information. Use the Plot to EPS method and see the Matching Scales and Pixels tip. You need high resolution and high quality images of line work and you need control over line weight. You need high resolution images of line work but you don't need control over line weights. You just need low resolution images for inclusion on a web page or for small images in printed documents. However, I set out some guidelines below to help in making the correct choice. I suggest that you read through the whole tutorial to get a good feel for what's on offer.

The techniques covered are not interchangeable since the outcome of each is different so you need to know what you want before you decide which is right for you. This tutorial covers 4 techniques for moving from AutoCAD to Photoshop. The highest quality results are also the most complicated to achieve. As with all things in life, though, quality comes at a cost.

Inevitably some compromises have to be made but it is now possible to create high resolution, high quality Photoshop images from AutoCAD drawings. Whatever method you choose, the trip from AutoCAD to Photoshop involves the conversion of a Vector image (geometry) to a Raster image (pixels). This tutorial explains a number of techniques which cover all of the above issues. It all depends upon the required resolution, the quality of image and whether you are exporting line drawings or rendered images.
The truth of the matter is that there is not a single answer to the question of how to move from AutoCAD to Photoshop. Have a look at the Artchitect web site for more examples of AutoCAD and Photoshop working hand-in-hand. AutoCAD looks after the "accurate" and Photoshop deals with the "presentation". It is true to say that AutoCAD and Photoshop make perfect partners in a workflow aimed at creating accurate presentation drawings. Neither one application could have successfully completed the job alone. However, if we want to create any kind of illustrative material based upon the outline, like the example shown far right, we have to leave AutoCAD and move to Photoshop where we can make the most of the raster imaging tools. This sort of accurate drafting is very difficult to achieve in Photoshop but AutoCAD makes it easy.

The outline image was drawn in AutoCAD using polylines. The two illustrations on the right demonstrate the problem. However, I think most people would now accept that if you want ultimate control over presentation drawings, you have to move away from AutoCAD's vector DWG file format and use a raster (pixel) based application, of which, Adobe Photoshop is probably the best known example. M-Color is a good example of such an application. Various add-on applications have been written to improve and extend the use of AutoCAD into the presentation arena. You may have realised by now that although AutoCAD is great for creating accurate, clear and intelligent drawings, it often is found wanting when it comes to presentation. There are many reasons why you might want to move your AutoCAD drawings into Adobe Photoshop.

In fact, I have been asked it so frequently recently that I have created this tutorial, which I hope will form the definitive answer. One of the most common questions I am asked is "How do you move AutoCAD drawings into Adobe Photoshop?".